A little about me
I am a computer science MSc student at Ben Gurion University, in the Vision, Inference, and Learning (VIL) group, under the supervision of Dr. Oren Freifeld.
Meitar Ronen
Computer Science M.Sc. student
Machine Learning
Bayesian Nonparametrics
Computer Vision
Master's Degree
I'm currently an M.Sc. in Computer Science student at the Vision, Inference and Learning lab, under the supervision of Dr. Oren Freifeld (BGU CS).
Started on March 2019, expected graduation March, 2021.
Exchange student
Erasmus Students Exchange Program
participated in the student exchange program for exceptional scholars, Madrid.
Bachelor's Degree
B.A in Cognitive Science, Computer Science and Psychology (Honors Program)
Ranked 1st in class in Cognitive Science and in the Computer Science major.
GPA: 91.77/100
Staying in the Zone: Sequencing Content in Classrooms Based on the Zone of Proximal Development.
Oded Vainas, Yossi Ben-David, Ran Gilad-Bachrach, Meitar Ronen, Ori Bar-Ilan, Roi Shillo, Galit Lukin and Daniel Sitton.
Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2019.
Bayesian Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation
Roy Uziel, Meitar Ronen, and Oren Freifeld.
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019.
Deep Clustering with an Unknown Number of Clusters​
Meitar Ronen, Shahaf Finder and Oren Freifeld.
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2022.
Microsoft Education: Data Science Intern
Aug 2018 - July 2021
Ben-Gurion University:
Mar 19 -
``Computer Vision: Models, Learning and Inference'' Teaching Assistant graduate-level class in the Computer Science department.
Providing teachers with insights about students’ performance and usage of technological tools via Microsoft products using Machine-learning and Data-analysis methods.
Undergraduate Research Assistant at the Vision, Inference and Learning lab at the Computer Science department, under Dr. Oren Freifeld's supervision.
Undergraduate Research Assistant at Experimental Psychopathology, Dissociation and Relationship Synchronization lab at the Psychology department, under Dr. Gideon Anholt’s supervision.
2016 - 2018
``Introduction to Logic and Set Theory'' private tutor in a university-established program.
Herzeliya Medical Center Hospital: IT Manager
Supervising the implementation and maintenance of the hospital’s computing needs and servers.
Initiated and in charge of an infrastructure virtualization project.
2014 - 2016
``BSMH''/``MAMRAM'' Unit: (Mandatory) military Service
IT manager at the Israel Defense Forces Academy for computers and cyberspace.
I was awarded MAMRAM’s Unit Excellence award for outstanding army service.
2011 - 2013
Giving lectures to middle-school girls with the goal of encouraging them to choose STEM-related majors in high-school.
Mentoring and instructing high-school girls at a non-profit organization with the goal of increasing the numbers of women at the technological fields.